Bookmaker’s line and odds: pre-match and live

When it comes to sports betting, understanding the line and odds of a bookmaker is crucial. Bookmakers offer odds on the outcome of games by allowing players to bet on the outcome they think will happen. The bookmaker’s line hints at the location of the odds presented in a particular case, while the actual odds take into account the likelihood of a certain outcome occurring. In this article, we will explore the idea of betting lines and odds in both pre-match and live betting.

What is a bookmaker’s line?

A bookmaker’s line is a set of odds offered by a bookmaker for a specific event. The line usually includes the odds for all possible outcomes of an event, and the player must decide which outcome they think is most likely to occur. The bookmaker line can vary depending on the bookmaker and the event in question, and it can change over time as more bets are placed.

real bets

How is the bookmaker’s line arranged?

The bookmaker line is usually set by a team of experts who use various factors to determine the odds for each possible outcome. These factors may include the form of the teams or players, the location of the event, weather conditions and any injury or disqualification. The task of the bookmaker is to set the line in such a way that they make a profit, regardless of the outcome of the event.

What are chances?

Odds represent the probability of a particular outcome in a sporting event. They are usually expressed as a fraction or a decimal number, with the larger number indicating the payout the player will receive if they place a winning bet. For example, if the chances of a certain team winning are 2/1, a player placing a £10 bet will receive a payout of £20 if the team wins.

How are the odds determined?

The odds are determined based on various variables, including the type of groups or players, the venue, and any injuries or obstacles. Bookmakers use a variety of actual models and calculations to determine the odds for every conceivable outcome given the likelihood of each outcome and the potential payout for the bookmaker.

Pre-match bets

Pre-match bets are bets on the outcome of a game before it starts. Players can focus on the line and odds of the bookmaker in advance and place bets as needed. Pre-match betting usually offers higher odds and payouts than live betting because the outcome of the event is more vulnerable.

How to place a pre-match bet

To place a pre-match bet, the player must first select a bookmaker and find the event they want to bet on. They can then study the bookmaker’s line and odds to determine which outcome they think is most likely. Once they have made their choice, they can place a bet and wait for the outcome of the event.

Live bets

Live betting, also known as in-play betting, allows players to bet on the outcome of a sporting event while it is in progress. Live betting offers more dynamic and exciting betting options than pre-match betting as odds and lines can change in real time depending on the results of teams or players.

official bookmaker

How do live betting work

Live betting works by allowing players to bet on the outcome of an event as it happens. The bookmaker will update odds and lines in real time depending on the results of teams or players, offering new betting options and opportunities throughout the event.


Understanding the line and odds of a bookmaker is fundamental to any person who needs to take part in sports betting. The bookmaker’s line hints at the location of the odds presented by the bookmaker in a particular case, and the odds take into account the likelihood of a certain outcome occurring. Pre-match betting involves placing a bet on the outcome of an event before it starts, while live betting allows you to bet on the outcome of an event as it occurs.

Pre-match and live betting have interesting advantages and disadvantages, and bettors should choose the type of bet that best suits their betting inclinations and procedures. By understanding the bookmaker’s line and odds, bettors can take advantage of additional educated and key betting options, expanding their winning opportunities.